Early Childhood Education Diploma

Early Childhood Education Diploma

Career Information

Employment & Advancement

In Manitoba, ECEs can work in licensed early learning and child care centres, nursery schools or as home-based child care providers.

For more information on ECE employment and Manitoba specific information, go to:


For specific salary information for Manitoba, go to:

Are Employers Hiring?

It is good to get into the habit of checking the hiring demand fairly frequently.  The need for workers is dependent on many things such as the international market in which conditions can change quickly.  The most up-to-date information is usually  specific job ads which can give you a sense of the current hiring need.

Specific jobs ads:

The next thing to research is the longer term trends by region.

Manitoba trends:

Finally, you can look at predictions about trends over a longer period of time:

Canada-wide trends:

Specific labour market information for ECE in Manitoba:

Additional Information

Manitoba Child Care Association

Early Childhood Education / Manitoba Education

Classification of Early Childhood Educators

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