Skills Assessment

The Skills Assessment may be offered to domestic applicants who do not meet select program entrance requirements in the areas of Math or English Language Arts. Applicants who do not have the sufficient recognized educational documentation may require further assessment. MITT uses the Canadian Adult Achievement Test (CAAT) which measures skill levels in the areas of Math and English Language Arts to help determine academic readiness for post-secondary programs.

The assessment of Math measures number operations and problem solving. The assessment of English measures vocabulary and reading comprehension and is not a measure of English language proficiency. The CAAT is only offered to those who have applied to a post-secondary program at MITT and have been deemed as eligible to write the assessment. Eligible applicants will receive an email from admissions letting them know which test(s) they are recommended to take and how they can schedule a date and time to take the test(s) should they choose to do so.

The CAAT is available to Canadian citizens, refugee claimants, convention refugees and landed immigrants over the age of 18. International applicants are not eligible to write the CAAT.

Please note that CAAT results can only be used for admission to MITT programs that require a minimum grade of 50% (i.e. a pass) in a 40S Mathematics or 40S English Language Arts course (or equivalent). Applicants to programs that have individual course requirements greater than 50% (for example 65%) in a 40S Mathematics or 40S English Language Arts course (or equivalent) will not be offered the option to write the CAAT and must obtain the required senior level high school course grades via a recognized secondary curriculum and/or an accredited Adult Education Centre.  If you require more information, please contact

Government-issued Photo ID is required to take the Skills Assessment.


There are no fees associated with the CAAT if this will be your first time writing the CAAT. Any retakes however, will require $42 per test.

If you need to practice or brush up on your math skills you can find help at the following links:

Please see below for additional information and resources:

Getting Ready for the Canadian Adult Achievement Test (CAAT)

Math Practice

Math Levels C and D

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