MITT Student Procedures
Certificates and diplomas
The Institute issues the following to students:
- Certificate
- Postgraduate Certificate
- Diploma
- Senior Years Technology Education Diploma
- Mature Student High School Diploma
Other documents include:
- Notice of Achievement
- Letter of Participation
One original certificate or diploma is issued as part of the exiting procedure. If requested, another original will be issued at a cost of $55.50.
Mature Student High School Diploma
Eligibility criteria for obtaining a Mature Student High School Diploma under the Grade 9 to Grade 12 Mature Student Graduation requirements include:
- 19 years of age or over at the time of enrolment in school division/district or Adult Learning Centre programming directed at completing the Mature Student Graduation requirements, or one who will reach the age of 19 before completion of the course(s) in which one is enrolled
- Out of school six months or more, and out of school long enough for the class, of which one was last a member, to have graduated from Grade 12
- Has not obtained a high school diploma
Students can enroll in a school division/district or Adult Learning Centre for the purpose of obtaining the Mature Student High School Diploma. Criteria for graduation requirements include:
- Grade 12 English Language Arts
- Grade 12 Math
- Two additional Grade 12 credits
- Four additional Grade 9 to Grade 12 credits
Procedure for Awarding the Diploma
- The student must provide documentation of proof of completion of Grade 12 English Language Arts credit and Grade 12 Math credit
- The student must provide the following relevant data:
- Last school attended
- Last year attended
- Last grade completed
- Date of birth
- Surnames used while in school
When the above information has been presented, the Institute will:
- Confirm completion of the technology credits
- Issue a Mature Student High School Diploma
- Register the diploma with Manitoba Education
Work practicum
Work Practicum is incorporated into most of the Institute’s programs. This experience is designed to provide a learning environment that simulates the workplace. Work Practicum offers students the opportunity to gain knowledge, master technical skills, and practice employability skills as defined by the Conference Board of Canada.
Workers’ Compensation Coverage
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology students are eligible for coverage through Workers Compensation Board while participating in a Work Practicum placement.
If injured while on Work Practicum, students must notify their instructor immediately and the appropriate forms will be completed by Institute staff.
Accreditation / Apprenticeship
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology offers seven accredited training programs, leading to In-School Apprenticeship (Apprenticeship Manitoba) status. These programs include:
- Auto Mechanics (Level 1)
- Carpentry (Level 1)
- Culinary Arts & Design (Level 1)
- Electrical Applications (Level 1 and 2)
- Electrical Applications (Level 1) - Secondary
- Hairstyling
- Industrial Welding (Level 1)
- Industrial Mechanic/Millwright (Level 1)
Students who successfully complete one of the above programs (having maintained a minimum average of 70% in both theory and practical), gain employment and register as an apprentice within 2 years of graduating, will receive credit for Level 1 In-School Apprenticeship Training (Level 2 for Electrical Applications). Apprenticeship training varies from two to five years with the average program being four years in duration.
High School
Students who successfully complete all coursework with a cumulative average of 70% or greater in an accredited trade program may be eligible to write the PATHS exam. Students who receive a 70% or higher on the PATHS exam and who register as an apprentice, will receive a Level 1 technical training exemption for that trade.
Apprenticeship Entrance Requirements and Program Information
For the majority of apprenticeship programs, it is required that applicants have a high school diploma or equivalent academic standing. Mature students, age 19 years or older, may be required to participate in an assessment process.
To enter into apprenticeship training, an individual must find employment with an employer. In order to register as an apprentice, an Apprenticeship Application/Agreement must be completed and submitted to Apprenticeship Manitoba. For each level, apprentices spend 80 percent of their time learning practical skills on the job. The remaining 20 percent is for technical training which is usually four to ten weeks of in-school learning.
The length of apprenticeship varies by trade, ranging from 2 to 5 years. At the end of apprenticeship training, apprentices write a certification examination and must score at least 70 percent to receive a Certificate of Qualification. Most trade programs also issue a Certificate of Qualification with an Interprovincial Standards Red Seal endorsement which provides greater mobility for skilled workers.