How to Apply – Canadians and Permanent Residents
Post-secondary applications
Please review the following steps to help guide you through the application process.
Recent admissions changes are listed on the What's New page.
Step 1: Before you apply
Choose your program
Visit our program listing page to find a program that is right for you.
Decide when you want to begin your studies
- Certificate, Post-Graduate and Diploma Programs: MITT offers intakes throughout the year in Fall, Winter, and Spring. Program availability varies by intake. View current program availability on the Online Application.
- Apply Early! Many programs are very popular and fill up quickly. Take time to learn about the many programs we offer and carefully select a program that matches your abilities, interests, and future goals. Please ensure you review the entrance requirements for your program of choice, complete the application in full, and have all your official documents are ready.
Determine if you meet entrance requirements
General Entrance Requirements: Post-Secondary Certificate and Diploma Programs
The general admission requirement for all regular full-time certificate and diploma programs is high school graduation (or expected completion within 45 days of the program start date). Applicants may apply while still enrolled in high school as long as they are able to provide an interim transcript.
Applicants who have been educated outside of Canada should review the general requirements [PDF] based on country/curriculum of study.
Applicants who do not qualify under the general entrance requirements may be eligible for consideration under the mature student category. All post-secondary certificate and diploma programs at MITT will consider applicants for mature student admission as long as they meet the conditions associated with the mature student admission category. More information on the requirements for consideration as a mature student and how to apply can be found here [PDF].
IMPORTANT: Applicants with previous post-secondary studies must be in good academic standing at any previous post-secondary institutions.
General Entrance Requirements: Post-Graduate Programs
The general admission requirement for Post Graduate programs is an undergraduate diploma or degree from an accredited institution, with good academic standing (this includes MITT’s Post-Graduate Certificate in Business Management). A minimum of 2 years of full-time undergraduate level coursework may also be considered.
Program Specific Entrance Requirements
In addition to meeting the general admission requirements noted above, applicants must also meet the program specific admission requirements for the program they are applying to. Visit the appropriate program page for program specific admission requirements and minimum grade requirements.
Applicants still enrolled in high school can submit an interim transcript confirming enrolment and applicable interim grades in the required courses. Final transcripts must be provided at least 30 days prior to the program start showing that all admission requirements have been maintained/met.
English Language Proficiency Requirements
English Language Proficiency is required for all applicants whose primary language is not English.
- Applicants who have been educated outside of Canada may be required to prove English Language Proficiency.
- Applicants educated in an identified English Exempt Country are not required to prove English Language Proficiency.
Applicants who do not currently meet English Language Proficiency requirements can apply for additional English language training at MITT's English Language Institute (ELI) and may be eligible for conditional admission to a post-secondary program once enrolled in the ELI.
Please visit the English Language Proficiency page for program specific English Language proficiency requirements.
Additional Program Requirements
Please note that some programs have additional requirements needed to participate in the program or work practicum, graduate from the program or be employed in certain professional fields. These requirements do not impact admissibility, but may impact a student’s ability to continue in or successfully complete their program or to gain employment following graduation. It is recommended that applicants review these program specific requirements prior to applying.
Prepare supporting documents
The following documents must be submitted/uploaded with your application:
1. High School/Secondary Academic Documents - Upload your official high school/secondary transcript/mark sheet and graduation certificates (if applicable). They must be official documents printed on school letterhead and signed by a school official. In the case of state or national examinations all documents must be issued directly by the awarding body. If you are still studying, please upload a copy of your most recent transcript. If you have attended more than one school, please upload transcripts from all schools attended.
If you are still studying, please upload a copy of your most recent transcript. Students who are currently studying in their final year of high school may be eligible for early, conditional admission using their most recent high school transcript (final Grade 11 transcript or interim Grade 12 transcript). The most recent transcript must show the required senior level academic courses with current (or predicted) grades that satisfy the admission requirements of the program applied to. Final official documents must be submitted as soon as studies have finished and must be received by MITT at least 30 days prior to the start of the program. Final admission is dependent on successful completion of all Grade 12 admission requirements.
If you have attended more than one school, please upload transcripts from all schools attended.
The following high school/secondary results can be verified online:
- Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) Results: if your exam results are from June 2014 or later, please upload a scanned copy of your GCE certificates. Any exams taken prior to June 2014 will require original certificates to be sent to us.
- CBSE 12th Year Marks Sheet (India): Please upload the following information to verify your Senior Secondary Marks Sheet online according to your graduating year:
- 2019 & 2020 - Roll number, school number, center number and admit Card ID (or copy of admit card)
- 2017 & 2018 - Roll number, school number and center number (or copy of admit card)
- 2016 & 2021 – Roll number and school number
- 2004-2015 - Roll number
- NECO Senior Secondary Certificate Exam Results (Nigeria): Please upload a copy of your exam results as well as a copy of your scratch card information for verification.
- WAEC/WASSCE Exam Results (West Africa): Please upload a copy of your exam results as well as a copy of your scratch card information for verification.
2. Post-Secondary Academic Documents - If you have attended a post-secondary institution including college, university, or a technical institute, you must upload your up-to-date official post-secondary transcript(s)/mark sheet(s) and graduation certificate(s), even if the program you are applying to does not require post-secondary courses as an admission requirement.
If you are still studying, please upload a copy of your most recent transcript. Please note that a final official transcript must be provided at least 30 days prior to the start of the selected program. If this is not possible, please apply to a future intake.
If you have attended more than one post-secondary institution, please upload transcripts from all institutions attended.
If your studies have not yet commenced (or if they have commenced but you have not yet completed any course work), please upload a copy of your letter of acceptance or an-up-to-date confirmation of enrolment letter from the institution.
3. Proof of English Language Proficiency (if applicable) – Upload your English proficiency test results, proof of completion of an approved English program, proof of completion or enrolment in an approved English pathway partner program, or proof of meeting one of the accepted English Language proficiency waivers (or proof that you are expected to meet one of the waiver requirements at least 45 days prior to the program start date if you are still in the process of completing the requirement).
CAEL, IELTS, PTE and TOEFL can all be verified online. Please refer to our English Language Proficiency requirements page “Online Verification” section to ensure that you are submitting the information require to verify/authenticate your scores online.
4. Proof of Permanent Resident Status (if applicable) - If you are a permanent resident of Canada, upload a copy of one of the following:
- Permanent resident card (front and back)
- Record of Landing/Confirmation of Permanent Residence and government-issued photo identification.
5. Proof of Name Change (if applicable) - If the name listed on your official transcripts does not match your current name, you will be required to upload your proof of name change. Official documents accepted as proof of name change include government issued Certificate of Birth, Certificate of Marriage (where applicable) and Certificate/Affidavit of Change of Name, provided the document references both your previous name and current name.
6. Proof of Completion of Other Program Admission Requirements (if applicable) - Some programs require completion of other admission requirements. E.g. Personal resume, statement of interest. Please refer to the individual program page for any additional program-specific requirements.
The quickest method to submit your documents for initial assessment is to upload them to your online application. However, if you are unable to do so, you can post/courier your document to:
Manitoba Institute of Trades and TechnologyAdmissions Office
7 Fultz Blvd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3Y 1G4
Applications will not be processed until all required documents have been submitted. Applications that remain incomplete for 30 days or more after missing documentation has been requested will be cancelled with no refund of the non-refundable/non-transferable application fee.
Official academic documents and English proficiency results must be submitted for verification at least 30 days prior to the start of your program.
Please note that your application form, transcripts/mark sheets, and other documentation submitted become the property of the MITT and will not be returned.
Step 2: Apply online
Applicants are allowed one active application with MITT at any given point in time with up to two post-secondary program selections. If applying to two post-secondary programs, both program selections must be made in the same application session. Once an application is submitted, a second program cannot be added to that application (even if only one program was initially selected). If you wish to be considered for two programs, you must select both programs prior to submitting your application.
To start a new application, all existing applications must be inactive (i.e. Inactive = All programs within that application must have a decision rendered of Ineligible, Withdrawn, or Offer Rescinded).
Once submitted, an application may not be transferred between programs or program sections (i.e. day to evening), or moved to a different intake. Applicants wishing to change the program, section or intake for which they applied must cancel their current application, submit a new application, and pay a new, non-refundable, application fee.
Each program selected requires payment of the applicable application fees:
- Certificate and Diploma Programs: $105 per application/program
- Winter 2025 & Spring 2025 Network and Systems Administrator, and Software Developer Programs: $225 per application/program (includes PAT/TPAT fee)
- English Language Institute: $100 per application
All application fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
Apply online
Once you are ready to apply, start your application here!
Upload official supporting documents
Upload all required documents to the online application (see step 1 for a complete list). We require high quality scans of your original OFFICIAL documents.
- An official academic document is a document issued directly by your educational institution or test center. Scans of certified, notarized and attested documents are not acceptable. Some documents can be verified online, as indicated in Step 1.
- All other required documentation (example: passport, immigration documents, name change documents, etc.) submitted must be a color scan of the official/original document. Scans of certified, notarized and attested documents are not acceptable.
Scanned documents that are of unacceptable quality, illegible or certified/notarized/attested documents will delay application processing and may result in your application being cancelled.
All supporting documentation must be in English, or have English translations attached.
Official academic documents and English proficiency results must be submitted to MITT for verification at least 30 days prior to the start of your program. More detailed information on official documents can be found under ‘What is an official document?’ below.
Please note that your application form, transcripts/mark sheets, and other documentation submitted become the property of the MITT and will not be returned.
Step 3: After you apply
Application processing
After MITT has received your completed application, it will be reviewed by our Admissions Team. Please allow 6-8 weeks for processing.
While your application is being processed, it will be assigned a processing status. You can login to your application hub account anytime to check the status of your application. Below is a list of processing statuses and what these statuses mean:
Tap and drag table to view more
Processing Status | Status Description |
Received | The application has been received and is queued for processing. |
Processing | The application is being processed by Admissions |
Action Required | The application requires applicant attention (refer to email and documents tab) |
Updated - Pending Verification | An update has been received by the applicant. Application is now pending review by Admissions. |
Processing Complete | All information required to assess the application and make an admission decision has been received. |
Processing Terminated | The application has been withdrawn prior to an admission. |
If your application is missing any required documents, you will be sent a notification via email and given 30 days to submit the outstanding items. Outstanding documents must be uploaded to your application hub account (we do not accept documents via email).
MITT prioritizes and will only process complete applications. An application is considered complete once all required information and original document scans have been received in the required format.
Admissions Testing
If the program you have applied to requires a specific test to be completed as part of the admission and assessment process, you will be contacted to arrange testing following submission of your application. The following programs may require specific testing:
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) programs (Cybersecurity Analyst, Network and Systems Administrator and Software Developer): Internationally educated applicants and domestic applicants who do not have a 40S Applied/Pre-Calculus Mathematics course are required to write the Technology Programs Aptitude Test (TPAT). If you have applied to one of these programs and are required to write the TPAT, you will be contacted by MITT’s Test Centre after submitting your application to schedule a time to write test. All applicants required to write this test must achieve a passing grade to be considered for admission. More information on the TPAT can be found here.
English for Academic Purposes: Applicants who apply to MITT’s English Language Institute (ELI) English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program who do not submit a valid English Language proficiency test will be contacted to sit for a placement test to determine their initial placement in the English for Academic Purposes program. This test must be completed before an admission decision can be made.
Assessment and Notification
Class sizes at MITT are limited and MITT consistently receives many more applications than available seats in a given intake. Meeting minimum requirements is not a guarantee of admission.
Once your application is complete and assessment has taken place, a notification will be issued by email outlining one of the following Admission Decisions:
Tap and drag table to view more
Admission Decision | Decision Description |
Admission Offered | The applicant is eligible for admission. Admission has been offered. |
Eligible for Admission - Decision Pending | The applicant is eligible for admission. Admission to the program/intake has not yet commenced OR admission is currently ongoing (i.e. all available seats are currently offered but not yet accepted). This decision will eventually result in either an admission offer or a waitlist notification. |
Waitlisted | The applicant is eligible for admission. A seat is not currently available so the applicant has been placed on a waitlist. |
Ineligible | Applicant does not meet entrance requirements, and is not eligible for admission at this time. |
Important information about waitlists: If your program of choice is full, you will be placed on a waitlist until the start of the program. If a space does not become available by the start of the program you applied to, you may need to re-apply for a future intake.
Please note that MITT does not disclose waitlist positions to applicants.
Receive your offer of admission
If you meet all entrance requirements and a seat is available for your chosen program and intake, you will be sent an Offer of Admission by email. This offer will include a request to pay a non-refundable admission deposit by a given deadline, which will be applied toward the total tuition owing for your program.
Admission Deposit (Domestic applicants):
- $400 for Post-Secondary and Post-Graduate programs.
- $400 for English Language Institute programs (per Level required, as determined upon assessment)
Admission deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable.*
*In instances where an international applicant has received a study permit denial, deposits may be refundable. Please see our refund policies for more information.
Admission limits: Where an applicant gains admission to more than one post-secondary program, they will be required to choose one program and their other application will be cancelled. Any admission deposit already paid for an offer that has already been accepted is non-refundable.
Accept your offer of admission
In order to accept your Offer of Admission, you must pay the required admission deposit and submit any required forms by the deadline outlined in the offer.
Failure to pay the deposit or tuition by the deadline(s) indicated will result in your Offer of Admission being withdrawn.
Receive a Letter of Acceptance (LOA)
Once you have accepted your Offer of Admission, you will be provided with a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) within 5-10 business days from receipt of the required deposit and fees.
Review the Conditions of Your Admission
All conditions of your admission to MITT must be met as stated in your offer and letter of acceptance.
Submit the required documents to MITT Admissions to show that you have completed your conditions. Outstanding official and final transcripts/documents must be provided by the document deadline (30 days prior to the start of class). You can login to your Application Hub account to review all outstanding conditions.
Submit Final Official Transcripts/Documents
Final official transcripts must be submitted as soon as studies have finished and must be received by MITT at least 30 days prior to the start of the program. Final admission is dependent on successful completion of all program admission requirements.
If your application was processed using transcripts and other academic documents that you uploaded at the time of application, you are still required to provide official copies of your transcripts and supporting documents to MITT for verification at least 30 days prior to the start of your program.
If you are unsure what conditions are still required/outstanding, please login to your Application Hub account and review the outstanding conditions and the outstandin documents (found under the ‘My Documents’ tab).
What is an official document?
To be considered official, a document must meet one of the following criteria (paper, electronic or online verification). Transcripts must be complete and include record of all individual courses taken, grades achieved, and any credential(s) earned at an educational institution.
Documents in a language other than English must be accompanied by a notarized or certified English translation.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all required documents are received by MITT prior to the final official document deadline.
For the passport, study permit, and proof of permanent residency, a scan of the original document is sufficient. Please do not send us your PR Card by mail.
Students who are admitted to MITT will be required to provide final, official documents at least 30 calendar days prior to the start of classes. The following documents are accepted as official:
Paper documents
We accept transcripts if the document meets ALL of these conditions:
A paper document is considered official only if it:
- It comes in a school stationary envelope (has the name and address of your school on it)
- The envelope states it contains an official transcript
- The envelope is sealed with a signature of a school representative, signature stamp or label across the seal
- The transcript bears the original signature, seal, or stamp of the issuing institution, or is
- Is issued on institute security paper
- It is in the original language of instruction
Transcripts mailed directly from the student will only be deemed official if they are forwarded by the student in the original signed and sealed envelope. Transcripts that have been previously opened by the student and then forwarded will be deemed unofficial.
Photocopies will be deemed official only if they are certified by the school principal, head or counsellor AND sent from the school in a sealed school envelope.
Certified or attested documents are not acceptable. Notarized documents are only accepted in the instances noted below.
Photocopied, scanned, and faxed transcripts are not official.
Occasionally, notarized copies of transcripts may be accepted instead of, or in addition to, original official copies (for example, if translations are required).
Notarized copies of the following are accepted as official copies:
- Higher secondary/senior secondary school certificates
- Cambridge, Excel, Pearson, or other British-patterned GCE Certificates
Notarized copies of the following are not accepted as official copies:
- English proficiency test score reports (TOEFL, IELTS, CAEL, etc.)
- WAEC or NECO Certificates
- University and College transcripts
There may be other rare instances where notarized documents are accepted for admission. If you believe that your document is irreplaceable, please contact prior to submitting your original documents detailing your specific document and why you believe an original cannot be re-produced by the institution or issuing authority.
In the event that a notarized copy is presented, the Registrar's office reserves the right to request the original document for verification upon your arrival on campus.
Please send original hard copy supporting documents prior to the start of class to:
Admissions OfficeManitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
7 Fultz Blvd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3Y 1G4
Documents may be submitted in person, by mail or courier (applicants are responsible for all courier fees).
All documents received by the admissions office become the property of MITT and will not be returned.
Electronic documents
Transcripts received electronically through a secure external transcript service / digital credential service (such as MyCreds or Parchment, for example) or an external examination agency will be considered official.
If you attended or are currently attending a Canadian high school or post-secondary institution, you may have your documents sent directly from the institution in PDF format. Your high school or post-secondary institution will need to send the document(s) directly to for them to be considered official. Documents forwarded from a personal email address will not be accepted.
Documents that can be verified online
As stated above, we are able to verify some academic documents and English Language proficiency results online with the right information. Results that can be verified online will be considered official.
For a list of ELP tests that can be verified online, please visit our English Language Proficiency requirements page “Online Verification” section. Please ensure that you are submitting the information required to verify/authenticate your scores online.
High school results that can be verified online are indicated above under Supporting Documents.
Alternative credential evaluations and assessments
MITT also accepts the following alternative evaluations and assessments:
- International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS): Educational Assessment
- WES Canada: document-by-document International Credential Advantage Package
- International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES): Comprehensive Report
- Comparative Education Service (CES): Educational Credential Assessment
- International Credential Assessment Services of Canada (ICAS): Secondary School Comprehensive Assessment Report
- Academic Credentials Assessment Service (ACAS): This assessment service is no longer available but we will continue to accept previous ACAS evaluations for admission
- Education Credential Evaluators (ECE): Course-by-Course Assessment
If received directly from the credential evaluator, these may be deemed as official documents.
Documents not issued in English
All applicants with non-English transcripts must submit an official transcript(s) in the original language subject to the MITT’s official document requirements.
Documents issued in a language other than English must be accompanied by an official English translation and an affidavit stating the contents of the translation are a true representation of the contents of the original document.
The affidavit must come from the person who translated the document(s). MITT will only accept translations produced by a certified translator whose certification can be confirmed by a stamp or a membership number of a professional translation association (please see below). Translations by family members or friends are not acceptable.
All students with non-English transcripts must:
- Submit an official transcript(s) in the original language (subject official document guidelines below)
- Submit a copy of the official transcript(s) in the original language accompanied by a certified translation.
A certified translation must be issued by one of the following:
- An official translator at the issuing institution
- The Canadian consulate, high commission or embassy in the country where the documents were issued
- A translator accredited by a professional association of translators in Canada (for example, the ATIM in Manitoba).
- A translator who has received accreditation through a federal, provincial or municipal government in Canada
- A sworn or public translator in the country where the document was issued
The translator must include:
- a photocopy of the document(s) from which the translation was prepared
- an original statement indicating:
- that the translation is accurate and authentic
- that the translator belongs to one of the categories listed above (identification number and/or seal, name, address, and telephone number required)
- their printed name and signature
Retention of Application Documents
All documents and transcripts submitted to MITT in support of an application become the property of the College and will not be returned. Documents will not be released or copied except to other employees of the College as required by College procedures regarding admission, registration, and awards and financial support administration.
Apply for transfer credit (if applicable)
Requests for transfer credit are accepted up to 30 days prior to the program start date. More information on transfer credit can be found on the Recognition of Prior Learning section of our website.
Credit Transfer will only be considered for a student who has been admitted to a program, i.e. a student who has accepted an Offer of Admission and has paid an admission deposit. Credit Transfer must be requested using the appropriate form 30 days before the start of the program. Students interested in requesting Credit Transfer are expected to read the Credit Transfer Policy [PDF].
Pay your tuition fees
More information on tuition and fees can be found on the Tuition and Fees page.
Tuition fees are charged on a program basis, not per course. Tuition is due approximately two months prior to the start of the program, on the dates specified on the Fee Payment page. For information about fees for your program, visit our Tuition and Fees page.
Attend orientation and begin classes
Detailed information regarding orientation and the start of classes will be provided via email prior to the start of the program.
Review the program supply list, and make arrangements to purchase your textbook.
Once available, program schedules will be posted on the Program Schedules section of our website.
Deferrals of Admission - Policy & Process
In order to be considered for a deferral, you must meet the deferral requirements below. If any one of the following requirements are not met, your deferral request will be denied.
Deferral Requirements
- You must be admitted to MITT. To be eligible for a deferral, you must have completed the following:
- Accepted an offer of admission.
- Paid the required deposit amount by the deadline in your offer of admission letter.
- The deferral request deadline is 30 days prior to the start of the program. All deferral requests must be made before the deferral deadline.
- You must have no previous deferrals associated with your admission. MITT allows one deferral per offer of admission. A second deferral is not allowed.
- Your outstanding conditions of your original offer of admission (such as providing final or official transcripts, etc.) must be met before requesting a deferral.
- Please review your original offer of admission/letter of acceptance for details of conditions.
If you have met all of the above requirements, you may request for a deferral of admission to the next available intake by emailing with your full name and student ID. We will review your deferral request email and inform you of our deferral decision via email.
If your deferral request is granted, your admission deposit will be transferred to the deferred program, no new admission deposit will be required. Your program will be deferred to the next available intake in which your program is offered. You cannot switch/transfer programs when deferring. Please visit our “Post-Secondary Certificate and Diploma” webpage to review your program’s next available intake before emailing your deferral request.
Note: When deferring your application, it will be re-assessed using the program’s admission requirements for the intake you are being deferred to. This includes English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements, if required.
Contact us today and we will be more than happy to help you with any questions or concerns you have.