Transferring Between Programs

MITT offers limited options for students to apply to transfer from one program to another, and change which program they are studying.

Program Transfer Options

High school students registered in the Hairstyling program are permitted to apply for transfer into post-secondary Hairstyling to complete their requirements.

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Transfer deadlines
  Transfer Applications Open Application Deadline Timeframe to Receive Offer of Admission Program Transfer Deadline
Fall students March 1 End of Term 2 (April 15) May End of high school Hairstyling program
*Applications will not be accepted prior to the opening date. Where this deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the application deadline will be extended to the next business day.

Apply to Transfer From Hairstyling High School to Hairstyling Post-Secondary [PDF]

If you have questions regarding transfer options in your program, please contact your instructor and/or Academic Coordinator.

Contact us today and we will be more than happy to help you with any questions or concerns you have.

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