Document Requests and Forms

Document Requests

Letters of Acceptance (LOA) – MITT does not accept requests for updated Letters of Acceptance. All full-time post-secondary students are issued an LOA via email upon admission to MITT. If required, applicants can obtain a copy of their LOA anytime by logging into their application status hub and downloading their LOA from the Communications Tab (see the communication titled "IMPORTANT: Your MITT Acceptance Package" - the PDF LOA will be attached).

Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) – For information on how to request a PAL, please visit our provincial attestation letter (PAL) webpage

Work Practicum Letters (i.e. Confirmation of Work Practicum) – MITT does not accept requests for updated Work Practicum Letters. All full-time post-secondary students who are admitted to a program that has a work practicum are issued a Work Practicum Letter via email upon admission to MITT. If required, applicants can obtain a copy of their Work Practicum letter anytime by logging into their application status hub and downloading their Work Practicum Letter from the Communications Tab (see the communication titled "IMPORTANT: Your MITT Acceptance Package" - the PDF Work Practicum Letter will be attached).

Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) - Please visit the Current Student Official Document Request and Forms page 


Other Forms

The following forms have been moved to the Official Document Request and Forms page:

  • Document Request Form
  • Transcript/Parchment Request Form
  • ESL Document Request Form

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