Aazhogan Indigenous Centre

Guided by the seven sacred teachings, the Aazhogan Indigenous Centre is a safe and culturally sensitive environment that fosters learning, celebration, and engagement in Indigenous culture, knowledge, and ways of being for all staff and students.

Aazhogan (A-sho-gun) is the Anishinaabe word meaning "bridge" and is used to describe the connections being created between students, education, and culture.

The Centre is a smudge-friendly space that offers a place to connect and learn about Indigenous culture, find support, study, socialize, and participate in different student groups, including the Indigenous Students' Circle.

The Centre offers resource books and learning opportunities throughout the year, such as documentaries and teachings. It is also home to MITT’s Knowledge Keepers, whom staff and students can meet with by drop-in or appointment. To inquire about the Knowledge Keepers’ schedules, please contact Candace Wood at candace.wood@mitt.ca.

The Aazhogan Indigenous Centre is located next to the Student Success Centre at MITT’s Henlow Campus.


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