Portage la Prairie Campus

MITT Adult Learning Centres (ALC) partner with the Portage Learning and Literacy Centre (PLLC) to offer adult education programs. PLLC has been serving the community for over 30 years, offering programs to help residents of Portage la Prairie and the Central Plains region achieve their educational, employment, and immigration goals.

The Mature Student High School Diploma helps adults upgrade high school courses or achieve their diploma. The Adult Literacy program focuses on math, reading, writing, and digital literacy. Students benefit from on-site daycare, small class sizes, dedicated teachers, and additional supports to help them succeed. Classes are held weekdays and Tuesday evenings.

Additional services available through PLLC include:

  • Employment Assistance Services help individuals secure and maintain employment through one-on-one and group sessions. They also offer pre-employment skills training and work experience programs for youth (ages 15-30) and for persons with disabilities of any age.
  • Newcomer Settlement Services tailored for all newcomers to Canada. Services include: ESL language training; employment-related services; community connection events; programs for youth, women, and seniors; volunteer opportunities; settlement workers in schools (SWIS); as well as interpretation, translation, transportation, and child minding.
  • Complimentary notary services, commissioner of oaths, money management training workshops (SEED Winnipeg), and income tax filing assistance (Community Volunteer Income Tax Program) for individuals with modest incomes. Students and clients needing food security and ID services, including affordable ID photos for passports, treaty cards, and citizenship.

Contact information

110 Saskatchewan Avenue West
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba

T: 204 857 6304
E: ALCadmissions@mitt.ca

Portage La Prairie schedule

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Student Services

MITT offers a variety of services to support students in achieving their goals, including academic advising, counselling, immigration and accessibility services, and more.


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