MITT Hosts Open House Event for French Electrical Program
Originally posted: November 27, 2017
MITT held a unique open house event this past Wednesday, November 22, for students interested in earning their Apprenticeship Level-1 certification in electrical, in French.
The 10-month Électricité program, slated to commence in early 2018, will be taught entirely in French by Red Seal-certified instructors. The new program expands on MITT’s commitment to serving the education needs of Manitoba’s francophone community, which to date have focused on secondary learners and been delivered thanks to a partnership with the Division scolaire franco-manitobaine (DSFM).
“In just a few short years, we have seen our partnership with the DSFM blossom from a few students to a couple hundred,” says Ray Karasevich, President and CEO. “The logical next step is to add post-secondary trades training in French, so that we continue to serve the needs of this student audience, right here in Manitoba.”
Honourable Ian Wishart, Minister of Education and Training, offered his government’s support of the program and commended MITT and DSFM for their forward-thinking partnership.
“We are pleased to see partnerships grow between school divisions and post-secondary institutions to create new training opportunities in the skilled trades,” said Wishart. “Having an electrical training program in French will create new pathways to employment for members of Manitoba’s francophone community.”
For more information, visit the program page.