Global Supply Chain Management Post-Graduate Diploma

Global Supply Chain Management Post-Graduate Diploma

  • Specialization: Post-Grad Global Supply Chain Management
    Course Code Course Name
    PG-011 Seminar in Ethics and Integrity
    PG-012 Seminar in Lifelong Learning
    PG-090 Project Management
    GS-095 *Supply Chain Management for the Public Sector
    GS-065 *Management for Services, Capital Goods, and Major Projects
    GS-075 *Global Sourcing
    GS-105 *Knowledge Management
    GS-050 *Operations and Process Management
    GS-060 *Logistics and Transportation
    GS-020 *Procurement and Supply Management
    PG-080 Change Management and Practices of Leadership
    PG-110 Risk Management
    GS-030 *Supply Chain Management
    GS-010 Managerial Accounting
    GS-085 *Competitive Bidding and Contract Management
    GS-035 *Skills for Effective Negotiation
    PG-030 Ethics and Social Responsibility for Leaders of Today
    PG-010 Dynamic Communication Skills
    PG-020 Writing and Grammar for Business
    PG-050 Budgeting and Financial Management
    PG-100 Leading for a Globalized Economy
    • Seminar in Ethics and Integrity

      MITT’s Ethics and Academic Integrity Seminar provides students with the tools necessary to navigate the expectations of the Canadian post-secondary academic environment.  In this three-hour on-line seminar, students will develop a thorough understanding of MITT’s Academic Integrity policy and the consequences of academic integrity violations and demonstrate how to use APA style when writing an academic paper.

      This seminar is a graduation requirement for all Post-Graduate Students. It is an asynchronous, three-hour course, and must be completed in Term 1 of the program.

      Course Code: PG-011
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 3

    • Seminar in Lifelong Learning

      Students are introduced to the growth mindset required to become self-motivated resilient learners.  Students are challenged to examine their own thinking habits and build on their strengths in acquiring new learning and skills.

      This seminar is a graduation requirement for all Post-Graduate Students. It is an asynchronous, three-hour course, and must be completed in Term 1 of the program.

      Course Code: PG-012
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 3

    • Project Management

      This course helps students to build their capacity as project managers by applying best practices in project management and the execution of dynamic project management strategies. Students learn to adapt their communication, service orientation, conflict resolution and multi-disciplinary team management strategies to a variety of different situations.

      Course Code: PG-090
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • *Supply Chain Management for the Public Sector

      The goal of this course is to develop the abilities of students to become more acquainted with the issues and strategy of public sector supply chain management. This course is supported by a variety of articles on public sector procurement and SCM, along with some website references. In teams, candidates will research a particular public sector organization of their choosing. The focus will be on identification of unique supply chain challenges and opportunities for performance improvement.

       *This course is using curriculum from Supply Chain Canada’s Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) Designation Program.

      Course Code: GS-095
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 21

    • *Management for Services, Capital Goods, and Major Projects

      The goal of this course is to develop the abilities of students to identify the issues about and develop strategies for service sector supply chain management and large projects supply chain management. This course is supported by a variety of articles on services, large projects and sustainability in procurement.

       *This course is using curriculum from Supply Chain Canada’s Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) Designation Program.

      Course Code: GS-065
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 21

    • *Global Sourcing

      The goal of this course is to help students become more acquainted with the issues and the strategy of global sourcing. Course content is supported by a variety of articles on global sourcing, along with some websites on global business and economics.

       *This course is using curriculum from Supply Chain Canada’s Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) Designation Program.

      Course Code: GS-075
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 21

    • *Knowledge Management

      The goal of this course is to help candidates understand what knowledge management is, where and how it should be applied and the challenges with implementing knowledge management systems. This course develops both the technical and behavioral aspects of knowledge management while preparing students to assess the knowledge management systems in organizations and making recommendations for systems improvements.

       *This course is using curriculum from Supply Chain Canada’s Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) Designation Program.

      Course Code: GS-105
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 21

    • *Operations and Process Management

      The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental concepts of operations management from a general management perspective. Tactical and strategic operations are addressed. Operations design and management are examined from the perspective of achieving the organization’s goals.

      *This course is using curriculum from Supply Chain Canada’s Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) Designation Program.

      Course Code: GS-050
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • *Logistics and Transportation

      The focus of this course is on strategic management and integration of logistics functions. Inventory management is at the heart of logistics with inventory in motion (transportation) and at rest (warehousing), to providing service to customers. Course content includes discussion on the role of third party logistics (3PL) providers in logistics and SCM, along with the issue of reverse logistics – moving goods back up the supply chair for various reasons.

       *This course is using curriculum from Supply Chain Canada’s Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) Designation Program.

      Course Code: GS-060
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • *Procurement and Supply Management

      The focus of this course is on matters for strategic and tactical importance in procurement. The key processes supporting an organization’s strategic procurement goals are emphasized before comparing strategic and tactical procurement. A comprehensive procurement strategy backed up by solid procurement tactics supports organizational goals of providing customers with highly valued products.

      *This course is using curriculum from Supply Chain Canada’s Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) Designation Program.

      Course Code: GS-020
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • Change Management and Practices of Leadership

      This course allows students to explore the practices associated with initiating and managing organizational change through a path of least resistance. Students develop leadership skills that inspire and build commitment, while maintaining productivity, competitiveness and profitability.

      Course Code: PG-080
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • Risk Management

      Students are introduced to risk management as an increasingly important strategic initiative across industries. Processes to identify potential risks and planning risk mitigation are an essential part of course content. Students will demonstrate how integration of people, technology, information and resources both internal and external to an organization are essential to a successful risk management strategic plan. 

      Course Code: PG-110
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • *Supply Chain Management

      The focus of this course is on matters of strategic significance, from defining supply chain management for an organization, to assessing supply chain risk and conducting a supply chain social responsibility audit. The notion of no “one best way” to manage supply chains and that different operating environments and organizational missions imply different “best practices” for supply chain management are discussed.

      *This course is using curriculum from Supply Chain Canada’s Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) Designation Program.

      Course Code: GS-030
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • Managerial Accounting

      This first step into management accounting introduces students to the use of accounting information for decision-making purposes.  The course provides a basic understanding of managerial accounting concepts and a basic understanding on how to use Microsoft excel to analyze data to create information useful for decision-making.

      Course Code: GS-010
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • *Competitive Bidding and Contract Management

      This course looks at the conditions for successful competitive bidding and the elements of the bidding process, including RFPs and RFQs. Electronic tendering is also addressed. Course content includes examining types of contracts and contract law. Students also gain an understanding of writing contract terms and how to manage a contract from performance review to dispute resolution and termination.

      *This course is using curriculum from Supply Chain Canada’s Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) Designation Program.

      Course Code: GS-085
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 21

    • *Skills for Effective Negotiation

      This course focuses on issues in negotiation, including assessing personal negotiating skills and those of other parties, differentiating between distributive and integrative negotiation; establishing trust and building relationships; and power, persuasion and ethics. Skills for Effective Negotiation give students the opportunities to develop a personal negotiation style through role-playing simulations.

      *This course is using curriculum from Supply Chain Canada’s Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) Designation Program.

      Course Code: GS-035
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 21

    • Ethics and Social Responsibility for Leaders of Today

      This course introduces students to the importance of ethics and social responsibility in business. Emphasis is placed upon increasing awareness, understanding and critical thinking of ethical issues in business, and to provide conceptual tools to guide analysis and decision-making.

      Course Code: PG-030
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • Dynamic Communication Skills

      This course focuses on the communication skills that are necessary to be successful in a professional workplace environment. Developing effective speaking and listening skills are an integral part of the course.  Students are also introduced to effective strategies for creating and delivering effective presentations to a variety of audiences for various purposes.

      Course Code: PG-010
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • Writing and Grammar for Business

      In this course the emphasis will be placed on improving and perfecting written communication for business purposes (e-mails, memos, letters, reports, public relations messaging, and other documents). The focus is on providing students with the knowledge and skills to make their writing clear, effective, and grammatically correct. Students will also have the opportunity to develop effective communication for various professional scenarios and situations, including making business presentations.

      Course Code: PG-020
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • Budgeting and Financial Management

      This course allows participants to explore the complexities of planning, preparing and monitoring operational and capital budgets to support the strategic plan of an organization. Developing awareness of the principles of financial decision-making is explored as well. Topics include: financial goal setting, budgeting, tax planning, cash management, investment and insurance considerations.

      Course Code: PG-050
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

    • Leading for a Globalized Economy

      This course provides participants with awareness of the importance and role of leadership in increasingly globalized organizations. Through an examination of global demographic shifts and current business practices and goals, participants will explore the interrelationships of leadership with cross-cultural etiquette, cross-cultural business negotiation, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

      Course Code: PG-100
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42

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