Pharmacy Technician Diploma

Pharmacy Technician Diploma

  • Specialization: Pharmacy Technician
    Course Code Course Name
    PT-110 Introduction to Pharmacy Practice
    PT-175 Computer Usage
    PT-222 Keyboarding Seminar
    PT-224 Student Success Strategies
    PT-115 Introduction to Microbiology
    PT-120 Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians
    PT-130 Pharmaceutical Calculations I
    PT-140 Pharmaceutical Calculations II
    PT-150 Human Body Systems and Disease States I
    PT-160 Human Body Systems and Disease States II
    PT-170 Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society
    PT-180 Pharmacy Law and Ethics I
    PT-190 Community Pharmacy Practice I
    PT-200 Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I
    PT-210 Institutional Pharmacy Practice
    PT-220 Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory
    PT-221 Health Care Training Seminar
    PT-105 Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I
    PT-227 Career Preparation Seminar I
    PT-412 Drug Names Tests
    PT-223 Practicum Preparation Seminar
    PT-230 Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I
    PT-305 Pharmacy Law and Ethics II
    PT-300 Community Pharmacy Practice II
    PT-320 Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory II
    PT-330 Non-Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation
    PT-340 Non-Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory
    PT-350 Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation
    PT-360 Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory
    PT-370 Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I
    PT-380 Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians II
    PT-390 Medication Safety and Risk Management
    PT-228 Career Preparation Seminar II
    PT-205 Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences II
    PT-226 Pharmacy Calculations Zero Tolerance Tests
    PT-413 Final Product Verification Zero Tolerance Tests
    PT-385 National Qualifying Examination Preparation Seminar
    PT-400 Community Pharmacy Work Practicum II
    PT-410 Institutional Pharmacy Work Practicum
    • Introduction to Pharmacy Practice

      This course introduces the principles of pharmacy practice and patient-centered, outcome-focused care. It also defines the roles of the pharmacy, the pharmacist, the pharmacy technician and the pharmacy assistant in the health care system. Students study basic pharmacy workflow, Latin abbreviations, and the principles of evidence-based medicine. Time is spent learning about information sources and retrieval and evaluation of reliable health information. Students also study factors affecting patients’ experiences in the health care system.

      Course Code: PT-110
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Computer Usage

      This course introduces students to the basic functions and use of applications such as Excel, OneDrive, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word and commonly-encountered internet browsers. Students explore using these programs and are given opportunities to prepare assignments using each.

      Course Code: PT-175
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 24
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Keyboarding Seminar

      This seminar introduces students to the basics of keyboarding technique, beginning with proper posture and positioning at the keyboard and progressing through developing accuracy and speed in keyboarding.

      Course Code: PT-222
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 12
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Student Success Strategies

      This seminar introduces students to fundamental strategies to improve their success in a post-secondary program of study. Students learn skills and tools for effective note-taking, textbook and technical reading and metacognition. Additionally, students explore effective ways to learn and retain new material as well as strategies for successful test- and exam-taking. Research skills and evaluation of resources are also highlighted. Particular focus is given to time- and stress management strategies.

      Course Code: PT-224
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 12
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Introduction to Microbiology

      This course is a survey of the biology of microorganisms with an emphasis on bacteria. Topics include microbial diversity, structure, metabolism and reproduction. Concepts in medical microbiology are also introduced, including transmission of disease, the control of microbial growth and the development of resistance.

      Course Code: PT-115
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 42
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians

      This course helps students develop the skills needed for communicating with the public, coworkers and other health care professionals. Basic communication techniques in verbal, non-verbal, written and electronic communication are covered. Students explore their own communication styles and how to adapt them to various situations. Knowledge and skills that develop nonjudgmental, empathetic and respectful communication with diverse populations are central to this course.

      Course Code: PT-120
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Pharmaceutical Calculations I

      This course is designed to give students a review of foundational mathematical concepts and the ability to perform with confidence any mathematical computation encountered by a pharmacy technician. Topics include a basic mathematics review, systems of measurement and conversions. Students also learn about drug product labels and practice oral and injectable dosage form calculations and those adjusted for special patient populations and treatment regimens.

      Course Code: PT-130
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Pharmaceutical Calculations II

      This course builds upon Pharmaceutical Calculations I and introduces more advanced calculations for the pharmacy technician, including those related to prescription pricing, third-party insurance payments, extemporaneous compounding and injectable medication administration.

      Course Code: PT-140
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Pharmaceutical Calculations I

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Human Body Systems and Disease States I

      This is the first part of a two-part series of courses. This course covers the basics of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology of various human body systems and provides an introduction to the pathophysiology of various diseases and conditions.

      Course Code: PT-150
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Human Body Systems and Disease States II

      This course builds on the content of Human Body Systems and Disease States I by exploring the remaining body systems and common diseases and conditions of each.

      Course Code: PT-160
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Human Body Systems and Disease States I

      Hours: 42
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society

      This course provides a basic introduction to historical and contemporary influences on culture and diversity in Canada to help students develop intercultural competence. Topics include multiculturalism, inequality, social justice, challenges faced by minority groups, social change, legislation and Canadian workplace culture.

      Course Code: PT-170
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians

      Hours: 42
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Pharmacy Law and Ethics I

      This course is designed to give students a basic understanding of the laws and ethics that apply to the practice of pharmacy. Students study relevant legislation, regulations, by-laws and standards and their applications to pharmacy practice. Roles, responsibilities and scope of practice of various pharmacy personnel are highlighted. The basics of ethical decision-making are also introduced.

      Course Code: PT-180
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Community Pharmacy Practice I

      This course introduces students to the practice of pharmacy in community settings. Students learn about dispensary workflow, maintaining patient profiles, processing and preparing prescriptions, third party agreements, drug product storage and regulatory guidelines as they apply to community pharmacy practice in Manitoba.

      Course Code: PT-190
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I

      Hours: 42
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I

      This course is designed to complement what is learned in Community Pharmacy Practice I. Students use community pharmacy software to process and fill prescriptions and participate in simulations of interactions with patients, coworkers and other health care personnel.

      Course Code: PT-200
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Keyboarding Seminar

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Institutional Pharmacy Practice

      This course introduces students to the practice of pharmacy in institutional settings. Students study the organization of health care provision in the province, pharmacy’s role within the health care system and practices and procedures unique to hospitals and long-term care facilities. Other topics include systems of drug distribution and the roles of the technician within them, computer applications used in drug distribution and inventory management and record keeping practices for institutions.

      Course Code: PT-210
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I

      Hours: 42
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory

      This course is designed to complement the material learned in Institutional Pharmacy Practice. Students utilize software in product preparation, record keeping and inventory management. Simulation activities in this course include those related to medication preparation and distribution, inter- and intra-professional and patient interactions, and emergency preparedness. Particular emphasis is placed on final product verification.

      Course Code: PT-220
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Keyboarding Seminar

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Health Care Training Seminar

      This seminar is comprised of a series of sessions designed to provide students with foundational skills and knowledge for a career in health care. Students receive certification in emergency first aid and CPR, violence prevention, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System, and the Personal Health Information Act.

      Course Code: PT-221
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 12

    • Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I

      In this course, students learn with, from and about other healthcare disciplines in simulated environments. Through a variety of intra- and interprofessional experiences, students practice communication and collaboration while applying the principles of patient-centred care and promoting the role of the pharmacy technician.

      Course Code: PT-105
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: None

      Hours: 21
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Career Preparation Seminar I

      This seminar is comprised of a series of sessions designed to help students prepare for securing employment upon graduation from our program. Students study techniques for job searching and preparing cover letters and resumes and are given the opportunity to practice job interview skills.

      Course Code: PT-227
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Computer Usage

      Hours: 9

    • Drug Names Tests

      Knowledge of generic and proprietary medication names is essential to efficient and effective work as a pharmacy technician. These tests are designed to assess students’ recall of generic and proprietary product and medication names in preparation for application in pharmacy practice.

      Course Code: PT-412
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice

      Hours: 12
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Practicum Preparation Seminar

      This seminar is designed to prepare students for work practicum experiences. Students learn about the practicum placement, monitoring and evaluation processes; the roles of the student, preceptor, site and clinical instructor; trouble-shooting common practicum issues; making the most of the practicum experience; when and how to escalate issues; the content and structure of the evaluation forms; and how to prepare for the start of the practicum.

      Course Code: PT-223
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Keyboarding Seminar

      Hours: 6

    • Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I

      Year 1 of the program includes a work practicum placement in a community pharmacy practice setting. This rotation provides students with community pharmacy experience at the pharmacy assistant level as an initial exposure to working with patients, pharmacists, technicians, and other health care professionals.

      Pharmacy Technician practicum experiences are preceptor-led placements where students work under the direction of a pharmacy technician and/or pharmacist. Practicums offer students the opportunity to gain industry-relevant experience building entry-to-practice competence. Practicums are unpaid, work-integrated learning experiences.

      Course Code: PT-230
      Level: Year 1 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar

      Hours: 80
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Pharmacy Law and Ethics II

      This course is a continuation of Pharmacy Law and Ethics I in which students build upon the foundations gained in the earlier course. Case studies and simulations are used to apply relevant legislation and ethical principles. Additional topics include identification and management of unusual patterns of drug distribution, ethical principles and the bases of ethical decision-making.

      Course Code: PT-305
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I

      Hours: 24

    • Community Pharmacy Practice II

      This course builds upon the foundational concepts and knowledge introduced in Community Pharmacy Practice I and Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I with a focus on the scope of practice of pharmacy technicians working in community pharmacy settings. Students learn about the role of the pharmacy technician in areas such as inventory management, medical device education, final product verification, and intra- and interprofessional communication.

      Course Code: PT-300
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I

      Hours: 42
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory II

      This course builds upon the skills acquired in Community Pharmacy Practice I and Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I and is designed to complement the material learned in Community Pharmacy Practice II. Students continue to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in previous courses. Particular emphasis is placed on interactive and non-interactive simulations specific to the scope of pharmacy technicians in Manitoba, including verbal orders, medical device demonstration and final product verification.

      Course Code: PT-320
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Non-Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation

      This course introduces students to the fundamentals of non-sterile product preparation at the community and institutional level. Students learn about various dosage forms and their active and inactive constituents and the influences of chemical and physical properties on product preparation. Policies and procedures governing extemporaneous product preparation in Manitoba and Canada are introduced. Other topics include product stability and record keeping.

      Course Code: PT-330
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I,Community Pharmacy Practice II,Pharmacy Law and Ethics II,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory II,Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I

      Hours: 42
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Non-Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory

      This course complements Non-Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation and provides students with practical experience in utilizing laboratory equipment and preparing a variety of extemporaneous compounds, including powders, solutions, suspensions, elixirs, capsules, creams, ointments and suppositories, while applying principles of USP General Chapter <795>, Good Manufacturing Practices and Model Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Non-sterile Preparations.

      Course Code: PT-340
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I,Community Pharmacy Practice II,Pharmacy Law and Ethics II,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory II,Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation

      This course introduces students to fundamental concepts in sterile product preparation, including principles of parenteral product preparation; aseptic technique; use and maintenance of equipment; and sources and consequences of contamination.

      Course Code: PT-350
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I

      Hours: 42

    • Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory

      This course complements Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation to prepare students to work in an aseptic environment and prepare sterile products, including parenteral medications. Students apply principles of USP General Chapters <797> and <800>, Good Manufacturing Practices, Model Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Non-hazardous Sterile Preparations and Model Standards for Pharmacy Compounding of Hazardous Sterile Preparations.

      Course Code: PT-360
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I

      This course exposes students to basic concepts of pharmacology as well as the major medications and medication classes used in health care and their applications to relevant diseases and conditions. Students review and use pertinent anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and medical terminology.

      Course Code: PT-370
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians II

      This course is a continuation of Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I and provides an understanding of additional medications and medication classifications.

      Course Code: PT-380
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I,Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I

      Hours: 84
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Medication Safety and Risk Management

      This course examines the nature of medication incidents and how they occur. Students learn about risk awareness in terms of patients, the public and self. Different types of medication errors and incidents are discussed and particular focus is placed error prevention and safe medication practices.

      Course Code: PT-390
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I,Community Pharmacy Practice II,Pharmacy Law and Ethics II,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory II,Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation,Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory,Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I

      Hours: 42
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Career Preparation Seminar II

      This seminar is comprised of a series of sessions designed to help students prepare for securing employment upon graduation from our program. Students study techniques for job searching and preparing cover letters and resumes and are given the opportunity to practice job interview skills.

      Course Code: PT-228
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Computer Usage

      Hours: 15

    • Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences II

      In this course, students learn with, from and about other healthcare disciplines in simulated environments. Through a variety of intra- and interprofessional experiences, students practice communication and collaboration while applying the principles of patient-centred care and promoting the role of the pharmacy technician.

      Course Code: PT-205
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I

      Hours: 21
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Pharmacy Calculations Zero Tolerance Tests

      Accurate, reliable, error-free pharmacy calculations are vital to the delivery of safe and effective therapy to patients. This series of tests is designed to assess students’ competence and proficiency in pharmacy calculations and their readiness for practice.

      Course Code: PT-226
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I

      Hours: 6
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • Final Product Verification Zero Tolerance Tests

      Performing final product verification is a fundamental role of the pharmacy technician in many different pharmacy practice settings. Accurate, reliable, error-free checks are essential for the protection of patients. This series of tests is designed to assess students’ competence and proficiency in final product verification and their readiness for practice.

      Course Code: PT-413
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I,Community Pharmacy Practice II,Pharmacy Law and Ethics II,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory II,Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation,Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory,Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I

      Hours: 6
      Location: Pembina Campus

    • National Qualifying Examination Preparation Seminar

      This seminar prepares students for the national qualifying examination. Individual sessions incorporate self-assessment strategies to help students prepare a personal study schedule, as well as exam-taking tips and strategies. Students also participate in written and practical examination simulations.

      Course Code: PT-385
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I,Community Pharmacy Practice II,Pharmacy Law and Ethics II,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory II,Non-Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation,Non-Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory,Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation,Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory,Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I,Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians II,Medication Safety and Risk Management

      Hours: 30

    • Community Pharmacy Work Practicum II

      Work practicum is a capstone component of this program. Year 2 of the program includes two (2) pharmacy practice experiences: one in community pharmacy practice and one in institutional pharmacy practice. This practicum provides students with the opportunity to perform tasks appropriate to the pharmacy technician scope of practice within a community pharmacy setting. Observation, analysis and documentation related to medication incidents are emphasized.

      All Pharmacy Technician practicum experiences are preceptor-led placements where students work under the direction of a pharmacy technician and/or pharmacist. Practicums offer students the opportunity to gain industry-relevant experience while building entry-to-practice competence. Practicums are unpaid, work-integrated learning experiences.

      Course Code: PT-400
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences II,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Pharmacy Calculations Zero Tolerance Tests,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I,Community Pharmacy Practice II,Pharmacy Law and Ethics II,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory II,Non-Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation,Non-Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory,Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation,Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory,Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I,Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians II,National Qualifying Examination Preparation Seminar,Medication Safety and Risk Management,Drug Names Tests,Final Product Verification Zero Tolerance Tests

      Hours: 200

    • Institutional Pharmacy Work Practicum

      Work practicum is a capstone component of this program. Year 2 of the program includes two (2) pharmacy practice experiences: one in community pharmacy practice and one in institutional pharmacy practice. This practicum provides students with the opportunity to perform tasks appropriate to the pharmacy technician scope of practice within an institutional pharmacy setting.

      All Pharmacy Technician practicum experiences are preceptor-led placements where students work under the direction of a pharmacy technician and/or pharmacist. Practicums offer students the opportunity to gain industry-relevant experience while building entry-to-practice competence Practicums are unpaid, work-integrated learning experiences.

      Course Code: PT-410
      Level: Year 2 course
      Course Requirements: Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences I,Introduction to Pharmacy Practice,Introduction to Microbiology,Communication Skills for Pharmacy Technicians,Pharmaceutical Calculations I,Pharmaceutical Calculations II,Human Body Systems and Disease States I,Human Body Systems and Disease States II,Culture and Diversity in Canadian Society,Computer Usage,Pharmacy Law and Ethics I,Community Pharmacy Practice I,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory I,Intra- and Interprofessional Learning Experiences II,Institutional Pharmacy Practice,Institutional Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory,Health Care Training Seminar,Keyboarding Seminar,Practicum Preparation Seminar,Pharmacy Calculations Zero Tolerance Tests,Community Pharmacy Work Practicum I,Community Pharmacy Practice II,Pharmacy Law and Ethics II,Community Pharmacy Dispensing Laboratory II,Non-Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation,Non-Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory,Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation,Sterile Extemporaneous Product Preparation Laboratory,Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians I,Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians II,National Qualifying Examination Preparation Seminar,Medication Safety and Risk Management,Drug Names Tests,Final Product Verification Zero Tolerance Tests

      Hours: 210

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If you're not sure how to take that next step, our Career Services team can help you connect your interests with the right courses to launch a new career. Find salary potential and career pathways for hundreds of careers in Manitoba.

Career Services 1

Student Services

MITT offers a variety of services to support students in achieving their goals, including academic advising, counselling, immigration and accessibility services, and more.


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