English Language Institute

About the MITT English Language Institute

The English Language Institute (ELI) provides international students looking to develop English language proficiency skills with a welcoming, friendly, and supportive learning environment in a Canadian post-secondary setting. Experienced staff are there to guide students through their studies and help them move confidently into the next phase of their academic journey.

ELI delivers the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program, which allows international students to achieve the English language proficiency requirements needed for post-secondary admission to MITT.

All courses include a range of opportunities to enhance language learning through ELI Extras.

Apply now for free

*Terms and conditions apply. Visit MITT.ca/Start for details.

English Language Institute (ELI) programming updates:

As of December 16, 2024, all applicants applying to an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program will be required to submit an approved English language proficiency test as part of their application. MITT will no longer be offering placement testing as part of the EAP application/admission process. EAP applicants must present a minimum English language proficiency (ELP) score for placement into Level 3 (Intermediate) of the English for Academic Purposes program. Applicants should be mindful of this when applying, as the application fee is non-refundable. Applicants who do not place into Level 3 (Intermediate) based on their provided ELP results will not be eligible for admission to MITT's EAP program.

Entrance Requirements, Tuition and Fees

EAP applicants must present a minimum English language proficiency (ELP) score from a recognized test provider for placement into Level 3 (Intermediate) of the English for Academic Purposes program. Applicants should be mindful of this when applying, as the application fee is non-refundable.

ELP scores and EAP level equivalencies chart.

Apply now to the EAP program

Start Date Duration
September 4, 2024 13 weeks
January 6, 2025 13 weeks
May 5, 2025 13 weeks


Item Estimated Cost
Tuition per level $4,284 per level
Application fee $100
Health Insurance1 Based on the length of program
Technology fee $60
Awards fee2 $50
1International students are required to purchase health insurance from the plan offered by MITT. The fees charged for health insurance are based on the EAP level. The approximate cost is $2.75/day. Please visit International Student Health Insurance to learn more about the plan offered.
2A mandatory fee of $50 for the MITT Award Fund is charged once during studies at the English Language Institute.


67 Scurfield Boulevard
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3Y 1G4

Telephone: 204 989 7740
Email: eli@mitt.ca

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