Student Accounts and Logins FAQ

Online accounts are very important tools for MITT students. It is essential you familiarize yourself with these accounts to ensure you can access them when needed.

You will use these accounts for:

  • Administrative purposes, such as reviewing news announcements, updating your personal information, viewing your courses and grades, and confirming your tuition and fee balance.
  • Communicating with your instructors
  • Conducting online learning

Your Student Portal Account is the place for administrative tasks, including:

  • Confirming your tuition and fees amounts and balance owing (fee statement)
  • Reviewing MITT news announcements
  • Updating your contact information
  • Entering your SIN for T2202 tax form
  • Viewing your courses
  • Viewing your final grades
  • Printing your unofficial transcript

Account URL:

Your username: provided in an email from MITT.

Your temporary password: provided in an email from MITT

Step-by-step log-in instructions: [PDF]

Your MITT student email will be one of the primary ways MITT and your instructors will communicate with you.  You will also use this email address to log in to Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, etc) and MyLearning (online learning software).

Microsoft Office URL:

Your student email address: provided in an email from MITT. Your email address/username will be formatted similar to

Temporary student email password: provided in an email from MITT. Upon first log-in change your password immediately and keep it private.

Trouble logging in? Review the following:

MITT offers programs delivered through a blended model of in-person and online learning.

Courses are hosted on a learning management software system called MyLearning (also known as Desire2Learn or Brightspace). This virtual learning software provides students with the flexibility of 24/7 web-based access. Some orientation workshops, online classes, and lectures will take place over Zoom and/or Microsoft Teams.

MyLearning URL:

MyLearning Username: Your student email address

MyLearning Password: Your student email password. Your MyLearning account is linked to your student email account. Changing your e-mail account password will also change your MyLearning account password. You cannot change your MyLearning password separately.

For more information or assistance, visit:

For information on accessing MITT’s secure WIFI, see our Secure WIFI Instructions [PDF]

Prior to submitting a support request, please ensure you have reviewed the information on this webpage. If, after reviewing the information, you are still experiencing issues, submit a Student Account Support Request.

Contact us today and we will be more than happy to help you with any questions or concerns you have.

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Student Services

Several services are offered to assist students in fulfilling their goals at the Institute. Child care, tutor programs, and much more.

