Quick Links for Logging In

Student Portal: https://my.mitt.ca/students

The Student Portal is the place for administrative tasks, including:

  • Update your contact information
  • Enter your SIN for T2202 tax form
  • View courses
  • View final grades
  • Print unofficial transcript
  • View tuition and fee balance

Student Email and Office 365: https://login.microsoftonline.com

Students are encouraged to use their MITT student email (…@student.mitt.ca) when communicating with instructors or staff at MITT.

Note: Office 365 is the online version

MyLearning : https://mylearning.mitt.ca/

MyLearning (also referred to as D2L or Brightspace) is the Learning Management System (LMS) used for online learning and training.

Note: use your MITT student email address to login

Other Useful Links:

Note: remember to include your name and student ID

Contact us today and we will be more than happy to help you with any questions or concerns you have.

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If you're not sure how to take that next step, our Career Services team can help you connect your interests with the right courses to launch a new career. Find salary potential and career pathways for hundreds of careers in Manitoba.

Career Services 1

Student Services

Several services are offered to assist students in fulfilling their goals at the Institute. Child care, tutor programs, and much more.

