MITT returns to green status

Originally posted: August 31, 2022

Details released for 2022-23 return to campus

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology is pleased to be welcoming students back to campus this fall under the Green (open) COVID-19 response level. Classes will be offered in a blended learning model, with both online and in-person classes, depending on the program.

The change in status also includes the following parameters:

  • Masks will no longer be required by staff, students, or guests. It will be up to the individual to decide on mask use based on their own comfort level
  • Classrooms will return to pre-pandemic capacities
  • Cafeterias will return to full operation (once staffing is available) and will be open to the public
  • Student lounges will once again be open, and lockers will be available for rental

While students and staff are not required to report if they become infected with COVID-19, they are strongly encouraged to do so.

Green (open) is not the same as a pre-pandemic state, and some measures will continue to be in place. We are learning to live with COVID-19 as an ongoing virus. We will continue to monitor how it is impacting our campuses and will modify practices as needed. Should clusters of infections arise, affected programs will shift to remote status for a period of time.

As we come back together on campus this September, it’s important to remember the preventative measures that help us all remain healthy:

  • Follow the Province of Manitoba’s recommendations to become fully vaccinated
  • Stay home if you are sick with any communicable illness (not just COVID-19) and immediately go home if you become sick while on campus
  • Continue to wash your hands well and use hand sanitizer throughout the day
  • Clean your learning space and equipment at the beginning of, end of, and whenever necessary throughout the day using the sanitizing wipes provided throughout campuses
  • Cover your cough and sneeze with your arm
  • Maintain physical distance between you and others where possible

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