Manitoba Access Awareness Week resources published

Originally posted: June 02, 2021

Manitoba Access Awareness Week (MAAW) is May 30 through June 5.

Established by the Manitoba Accessibility Office, MAAW provides opportunity for discussion and engagement in practices that we can remove barriers for individuals with disabilities. You can learn more about MITT's commitment to accessibility, here. 

While current COVID-19 restrictions have meant that in-person programs will not take place, a large number of virtual resources continue to be made available to MITT students and staff so they can either utilize these areas for themselves or become the best ally to persons with disabilities.

Local disability communities and resources

Manitoba Possible: Link

Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities: Link

CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind): Link

Spinal Cord Injury Manitoba: Link

Multiple Sclerosis Society: Link

Manitoba Brain Injury Association: Link

Deaf Centre Manitoba: Link

NEADS (National Educational Association of Disabled Students): Link

Learning disabilities

KC Dyslexic Learning Centre: Link

Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada: Link

Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba: Link


Psychological disabilities

Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba: Link

Peer Connections Manitoba: Link

Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba: Link

CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Association): Link


Facebook groups and Instagram accounts







Canadian Multicultural Disability Centre Inc.

Student guides and downloads

Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities - Transition to Post-Secondary Education: Link

Post-Secondary Students with Mental Health Disabilities: A Guide to Accommodations and Managing your Mental Health while on Campus: Link

College Guide for Students with Psychiatric Disabilities: Link

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Student Services

MITT offers a variety of services to support students in achieving their goals, including academic advising, counselling, immigration and accessibility services, and more.


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