MITT Virtual Counsellors Seminar

Originally posted: September 15, 2020

The Virtual Counsellors Seminar has it all: instructor meet-and-greets, prizes, and everything a school counsellor needs to know about MITT. 

Join us Thursday, September 17, from 8:45 to 11 a.m.

Seminar includes:

  • Welcome from the Dean, Rebecca Brooks
  • Information about our post-secondary programs
  • Important updates from Student Recruitment, Student Services, Career Services, and Admissions
  • An overview of our hybrid program delivery and D2L Brightspace Virtual Learning Platform
  • Opportunities to connect with our faculty and explore our programs through instructor meet-and-greets
  • A chance to win an MITT prize package for attending

Event details and registration:


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Student Services

MITT offers a variety of services to support students in achieving their goals, including academic advising, counselling, immigration and accessibility services, and more.


Explore MITT

Connect with a recruitment specialist to learn more about our programs and services and start your MITT journey.